Video instruction

How to use math formulas

In order to create a calculator you need to add the ‘total’ field:

Simple example

In the “total” field editor we see two text areas, the first contains a formula in which you specify field identifiers and mathematical operators. Basic operators are allowed in math formulas: + – / * ( ).

The second text area contains a short code that shows the total, you can use your own HTML in this area.

The screenshot below shows an example of summing the value of two fields in your form (note field id is written in curly braces).

Id of any field you can see in the editor:

In addition to id fields in the formula, you can specify any numbers, fractional numbers are indicated by a dot, for example 10.5

Field values ​​for calculator

If you need to create a calculator, then the form fields must be assigned a value for calculation.

Fields such as ‘input’ or ‘textarea’ do not need to be assigned values, since their value is their content.

You need to assign values ​​to the ‘checkboxes’ and ‘dropdowns’. For both, this value is configured equally.

In the text field, before the option or flag is named, write number==. An example you can see in the screenshot:

In this example, we have two checkboxes ‘item-1’ and ‘item-2’, which have values ​​for the calculator ‘100’ and ‘300’.


If you need real examples of calculators, you can see them in the demo. You can also transfer the calculator from the demo to your site through the import / export of forms.